Why does everything hurt during pregnancy. Pain During Pregnancy That You Shouldn't Worry About

The course of colds during pregnancy is manifested in the form of cough, runny nose, sneezing, nome congestion, sore throat, malaise, headaches, possibly elevated body temperature. Like everyone else, with the exception that the immunity of a pregnant woman is initially weakened. Therefore, the manifestation of all symptoms is likely to be more pronounced.

Expectant mothers are interested in whether a cold is dangerous during pregnancy, how to protect yourself from a cold, how and what to treat, what measures to take for a speedy recovery, what not to do, whether it is possible to take medications and which ones, so as not to harm the baby. You will learn the answers to these questions from the material of the article.

Colds are the same acute respiratory diseases or acute respiratory infections. Often a cold occurs due to a virus, the name of this condition is an acute respiratory viral infection or SARS.

It is dangerous, since a cold can cause complications that are dangerous for both mother and baby. The most dangerous are viral infections (ARVI), especially influenza.

Often a cold during pregnancy manifests itself in the form that if a woman was a carrier of this virus before pregnancy, then the baby will be protected by the mother's antibodies. If a woman first became infected during pregnancy, then there may be various consequences.

However, it should be remembered that the capabilities of our body are high, do not immediately panic. Sometimes a strong flu can pass without serious consequences. According to statistics, 80% of women suffer from a cold, most at the beginning of pregnancy, and despite this, healthy babies are born.

Danger for the baby

The most dangerous cold is considered to be in the first trimester, or rather, the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. After all, this is exactly the period when a little man is born and formed from a fertilized egg. If you get sick in the first trimester, then a cold will either affect the baby or bypass it. In the first case, most likely, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur, since the child may develop malformations that are incompatible with life. If, after a cold, the pregnancy proceeds well, no pathologies were detected on the ultrasound, then you should not worry.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a cold is not so dangerous, although its appearance can lead to feto-placental insufficiency, which can harm the developing baby due to a violation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to it ...

In the 3rd trimester, a cold can cause fetal growth retardation syndrome, intrauterine fetal hypoxia (a lack of oxygen that can damage the baby's brain), and lead to premature birth.

Danger for the expectant mother

A cold for a pregnant woman can have extremely unpleasant consequences, such as polyhydramnios, the risk of spontaneous abortion, as well as premature birth, large blood loss during childbirth, complication of the postpartum period, premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

Cold prevention

It is much easier to follow simple rules to strengthen immunity than to fight a cold.

In order not to catch a cold, you should take preventive measures aimed at strengthening the immunity of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother should follow the following recommendations:

  • Walk outdoors for at least three hours a day
  • Eat properly.
  • Take vitamins. Drink vitamin teas, such as rosehip teas (rosehip contains vitamin C to boost the body's immunity)
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Do not get wet in rainy weather
  • It is possible, when visiting public places, to lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment
  • If someone in your house is sick, you can chop the onion and garlic and put it in the room
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room daily
  • You can use aromatic oils (tea tree, lavender, orange, eucalyptus).
  • Washing the nose, rinsing the mouth after visiting public places
  • Dress for the weather

If you still get sick, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • Reduce your physical activity, try to get enough sleep. During pregnancy, you can not endure a cold on your feet!
  • Do not take antibiotics, especially Levomycetin and Tetracycline! Antibiotics cannot help with SARS, as they do not act on viruses. Antibiotics should be considered only in extremely severe cases, with the development of severe complications that cannot be dealt with using alternative methods.
  • Drink plentifully, best of all tea with lemon, tea with raspberries, milk with honey, infusion of leaves and sprigs of raspberries. It is necessary to control the amount of fluid taken, as excess fluid can lead to swelling.
  • Reduce your salt intake, as salt contributes to swelling and, as a result, increased nasal congestion.
  • Reduce the intake of fatty and heavy foods, as the body spends a lot of effort and energy on its absorption, which are better spent on recovery.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

Be sure to consult your doctor. After all, the choice of treatment should be approached very carefully and deliberately. After all, colds and flu are not the same thing. Influenza cannot be treated on its own, it can lead to serious complications. If the cough does not decrease within a week, you should definitely see a doctor so as not to lead to pneumonia.

Mostly, the treatment of colds during pregnancy should be carried out using folk remedies and methods.


You need to gargle more often, preferably every hour. Choose the option that suits you best.

  • Rinse with a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark, sea salt
  • Rinse with water with the addition of salt, soda and iodine. In a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of soda, a few drops of iodine.
  • Rinse with water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of alcohol tincture of propolis.


  • Warm milk + internal goose fat or warm milk + butter + honey can be used to alleviate a cough.
  • Raspberry, honey
  • Inhalations with essential oils. Essential oils of eucalyptus, wild rose, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort are suitable for such inhalations. Inhalation is carried out as follows: a few drops of the selected essential oil (you should like the smell) must be added to a pot of boiling water. Next, you should inhale the healing steam, leaning over the pan and covering your head with a towel. Immediately after inhalation, you should go to bed.
  • It is also useful to breathe in pairs of boiled potatoes in their skins + 1 tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile or sage or eucalyptus or blackcurrant leaves.
  • Mix honey and water in a ratio of 1:5 at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is necessary to inhale vapors from one nostril, then the second nostril, then through the mouth.

Runny nose

  • Inhalation of the smell of chopped onion and garlic 2 times a day for 10 minutes
  • The use of soda-tannin drops. Preparation: brew 1 teaspoon of tea in a glass of boiling water, evaporate it over low heat for 15 minutes, strain, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This solution is instilled into the nose, 1-2 pipettes in each nostril 2-3 times a day, after instillation, immediately blow your nose well.
  • During sleep, take an elevated position to reduce blood flow to the nasal mucosa.
  • You can instill herbal solutions from freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice
  • Steam your hands under a hot water faucet
  • Washing with soda solution, saline solution
  • Drip us with aloe juice


If the temperature is less than 38.5 degrees, it is not necessary to bring it down.

  • Wet wraps are used. To do this, you need to wrap yourself in a wet sheet made of natural fabric, and cover yourself with warm blankets on top. In this case, there is a strong sweating and the temperature drops.
  • Rubbing with vinegar solution with water (2: 1), vodka
  • Drink more diaphoretic tea, linden infusion
  • Drink cranberry juice


  • Apply a leaf of white cabbage to the temples and forehead

Horseradish is an excellent immunostimulant. Horseradish root should be grated on a fine grater and mixed with the same amount of sugar, leave the mixture for 12 hours in a warm place, strain. In the acute period of a cold, take 1 tablespoon every hour.

Pregnant women are forbidden with a cold:

  • You can't soar your legs, you can't take a hot bath
  • You can not use individual medicinal plants, be sure to read the package leaflet.
  • Immunomodulators, alcohol tinctures, antipyretics, drugs that increase blood pressure and pulse are not allowed.
  • You should not take vitamin C tablets, as it contributes to blood thinning in large quantities and this can cause bleeding in early pregnancy.
  • Can't take antibiotics
  • You can not Aspirin and preparations containing it (Coldrex, Efferalgan)
  • You can not go to the bath, sauna

However, unfortunately, it is not always possible to do without medications. It is important to weigh every decision, every step, so as not to harm.

What medicines can be taken during pregnancy?

  • Paracetamol, drugs containing paracetamol (Panadol) - to reduce fever, to reduce headaches
  • Pharyngosept - to reduce sore throat. It is used if redness and sore throat do not go away for a long time. Used to treat stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Furacilin - for gargling
  • Bioparox - topical antibiotic in the form of a throat spray
  • Mukaltin, iodinol - to get rid of cough, if you can not do without medicine.
  • Aqua Maris, Pinosol, Grippferon, Aqualor - nose drops
  • Dr. Mom, Gedelix - cough syrup
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Vibrocil, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Naphthyzin) can be used for 2-3 days 1-2 times a day if you cannot breathe at all.

Colds are better avoided by using preventive measures than by treating them. If you still get sick, you need to properly organize your day, use folk methods for treatment, consult a doctor. If you need to take medications, carefully read the instructions, take those drugs that are allowed during pregnancy.

Have you been sick while in an interesting position? What were the treatment?

From the first day, a pregnant woman feels certain pain sensations in her body. Some of them can be strong, others vice versa. During the period of expectation of a child, a woman is very sensitive to any manifestations of pain, so it is important to know which of them can indicate danger, and which are just a concomitant sign of pregnancy.

Stomach pain during pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, a woman complains of abdominal pain. However, it is worth saying that such pain symptoms are not always a dangerous condition that characterizes the threat of abortion or some kind of problem.

Sometimes such pain can occur due to a change in diet. If before pregnancy a woman was tormented by diseases such as colitis or dysbacteriosis, then during the bearing of a child they can become aggravated, hence the pain in the lower abdomen. It must be remembered that the main thing is that it is correct and balanced in order to exclude a strong load on the digestive organs.

If it hurts, then first you need to find the cause and reconsider your diet, diet, exclude harmful or low-quality foods, unnatural ingredients.

One of the most common consequences of malnutrition, as well as changes in the body during pregnancy, are. In the absence of a chair and bloating, a woman feels pain. Remember, to avoid such problems, you need to drink plenty of fluids per day, add fiber-rich foods to your diet.

As the gestational age increases, the belly also increases in size. The muscles that support the uterus are stretched, it is enlarged, all this causes pain. Such pain is not to be feared. To relieve the pain symptom, you can take drugs that relieve spasms, but rather just relax and rest. As a rule, such pain in the lower abdomen is short-lived.

If you feel in the abdomen that does not go away for a long time, then consult a doctor as soon as possible. Such pain may indicate an exacerbation of appendicitis, pancreatitis, or may be associated with intestinal obstruction. Although this does not happen often, it is better to exclude these causes in time.

Pain that is associated with a complication during pregnancy is usually cramping in nature. Such pain is given to the lower back, drugs do not relieve its manifestations. It is especially dangerous if such pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, in this case, call an ambulance as soon as possible. Such pain may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, placental abruption, or an incipient miscarriage.

headache during pregnancy

Often one of the complaints of pregnant women becomes -. This is not an uncommon condition in pregnancy. It is usually associated with the fact that the hormonal background of a woman is changing, this leads to a change in the tone of the vessels of the brain. This usually occurs in the first months of pregnancy, when the body is not yet accustomed to a new state. As a rule, drug treatment of such pain is not required.

Particular attention should be paid to a headache if it haunts you in later pregnancy. Perhaps you have high blood pressure, and this threatens to disrupt blood circulation and is dangerous for both you and your baby. If you notice that headaches have become more frequent in the second and third trimester, then be sure to consult a doctor for recommendations and treatment.

Lower back pain during pregnancy

More than half of pregnant women complain of back pain. The nature of these pains lies in the fact that the woman's weight increases and thus the load on the lower back, too. Most often, such pains are noted in the second half of pregnancy and disappear after childbirth. In order to relieve the load on the lower back, it is recommended to wear a bandage. Such a bandage is most convenient for long walks, or any physical exertion. It is important that a woman during pregnancy eat foods rich in calcium or preparations containing it. , accompanied by an increase in body temperature, high blood pressure, an increase in the frequency of urination are an alarming symptom. Perhaps this condition indicates kidney disease. Such pains should be given special attention. In this case, immediately seek help from the hospital.

As a rule, after 36 weeks, women notice lower back pain that recurs at regular intervals. This suggests that the body is preparing for childbirth, and such pains are called training contractions. If the pain is not strong, then they do not cause danger. If you notice that the intervals between such “contractions” are decreasing, and the pain is getting stronger, then perhaps this indicates an impending birth and you need to see a doctor.

sore throat during pregnancy

Infections that penetrate the mucous membrane of the throat cause pain. As a rule, they are accompanied by high fever, cough. The immunity of a pregnant woman is weak, so there is a high risk of viral diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis or acute respiratory infections.

Such a condition is complicated by the fact that during pregnancy you need to take various medications with extreme caution, only if your doctor prescribes them and they are completely safe during pregnancy.

Most often, for colds and pregnant women, teas and decoctions of herbs are prescribed, it can be rose hips, calendula. Rosehip decoction should be taken orally, it helps to restore strength and improve immunity. And gargle with infusion of calendula. Remember, in order not to get sick during pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of colds during pregnancy. Make sure that the air in the room is not dry. During epidemics, try to avoid crowded places, eat more fruits and drink vitamins.

toothache during pregnancy

Why does a woman often complain about pain in her teeth during pregnancy? This happens because the child grows intensively, its skeleton is laid, calcium from the mother's body is transferred to the child. A lack of calcium in a woman leads to the fact that her own bones, including her teeth, begin to deplete. Tooth enamel becomes thin. Teeth react to hot, cold, sweet. It is necessary that even before pregnancy a woman takes care to cure all unhealthy teeth, if she has any. Infection through such foci can get into any organ and this can lead to a complication of pregnancy. Currently, during the treatment of teeth, pregnant women are offered anesthesia that is safe for the child, so do not be afraid to seek help from a doctor.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to the hospital at the moment, and the pain does not give you rest, then use folk remedies. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in water and rinse the aching tooth. If the pain is sharp, take garlic and place it next to the aching tooth. You can do the same with a piece of lard. But remember that this only removes the pain, but does not eliminate its cause.

Any manifestation of pain during pregnancy should attract attention. Remember that even if this is just a normal pregnancy reaction, do not self-medicate without consulting a doctor.

Author of the publication: Svetlana Sergeeva 

“You’re pregnant, you shouldn’t get sick!” Women who are expecting a baby often hear. However, colds during the epidemic season are somehow not asked for permission from sympathizers. According to statistics, ARVI during pregnancy affects 55 to 86 percent of women.

What to do if you catch a cold during pregnancy, said Tatyana KOZINA, infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist at the AVICENNA Medical Center of the Mother and Child Group of Companies.

Why do pregnant women get sick easily?

During pregnancy, the body's defenses weaken, both cellular immunity (based on the production of lymphocytes) and humoral (antibody production) are suppressed. Otherwise, the mother's body would begin to reject the embryo, which has foreign cells!

For pregnancy, reduced immunity is the norm, but, unfortunately, because of this, pregnant women often get colds.

Expert comment

Decreased immunity during pregnancy refers to physiological phenomena, there is even such a thing as “physiological immunosuppression of pregnant women”. It is necessary to prevent immunological rejection of the embryo (miscarriage). In this regard, pregnant women are more susceptible to viral infections, including SARS and influenza.

Prevention during the cold season

The best way to maintain your health is a good mood, no worries and faith in the best, in any case, this is what pregnant women often hear. Surely this is really a great way, but for more reliability during SARS and influenza epidemics, it would be good to use more traditional methods of prevention:

  1. Oxolinic ointment - lubricate the edge of the nostrils before going out;
  2. Washing the nose after returning from crowded places (within 4 hours after returning);
  3. Complete nutrition and vitamins.

Expert comment

First of all, you need to refuse to visit crowded places, and when returning home from public places, be sure to wash your hands.
It is also recommended to take multivitamin preparations allowed during pregnancy (Vitrum prenatal forte, Elevit prenatal). Pay attention to the natural sources of vitamins: rosehip infusion, fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries and sea buckthorn. Of the medications for prevention, you can take "Anaferon", "Grippferon".

What are the dangers of colds and flu during pregnancy

Viruses act on the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, and can provoke inflammatory complications. The degree of risk for the expectant mother depends on the gestational age, but the likelihood of specific negative consequences in each case is unpredictable.

First trimester

The most vulnerable period. At this time, the baby is not yet protected by the placenta, the formation of organs and systems is underway. Therefore, viral diseases can cause malformations and miscarriage. This does not mean that a viral illness automatically puts the pregnancy at risk of termination. But such a possibility, unfortunately, exists.

Second trimester

At this time, the baby is already reliably protected by the placenta, which does not allow viruses to pass through. However, until the middle of the second trimester, the formation of the central nervous system continues, so some risk to the fetus remains.

third trimester

Maternal illness can cause malnutrition of the fetus, but a cold does not affect the course of childbirth and does not complicate them.

However, if the mother fell ill shortly before the birth, then, according to the rules of the maternity hospital, she is sent to give birth in an isolated observational department. In the case of a mother's illness, the joint stay of the mother and child after childbirth is excluded.

Expert comment

Viral toxins affect the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, affect blood vessels, have an immunosuppressive effect, contributing to the development of bacterial complications.

Flu shot during pregnancy

In the midst of an influenza epidemic, some pregnant women decide to get vaccinated to reduce their risk. It turns out that such a vaccination is possible, but only in the second or third trimester. The vaccine must be inactivated, that is, not contain active viruses. And please, before vaccination, consult with the doctor who is managing your pregnancy!

Expert comment

Pregnant women can be vaccinated against influenza with inactivated vaccines, preferably in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. These are the following vaccines:

  • Monogrippol,
  • monogrippol plus,
  • monogrippol neo,
  • Fluarix,
  • Influvac,
  • Vaxigripp.

What to do if you get sick during pregnancy

Together with Tatyana Petrovna Kozina, we have compiled a memo for you: what folk and traditional medicine is allowed to use during pregnancy.


Problem Folk remedies classical medicine
General malaise Plentiful warm drink (tea with lemon, fruit drinks or compotes from cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, mineral water) Multivitamin complexes for pregnant women
Infusion of rose hips and viburnum or lemon balm and sage, mixed in equal proportions Vitamin C in any form (for example, ascorbic acid)
Grate horseradish on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of sugar, leave in a warm place for 12 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. every hour in the acute period of a cold Grippferon, Anaferon children's »
Temperature above 38 degrees

Rubbing the body with vodka or a solution of vinegar + water

Plentiful warm drink (tea with lemon, fruit drinks or compotes from cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, mineral water)

Tablets or suppositories "Paracetamol" and its analogues ("Ibuprofen", "Panadol")
Runny nose Beetroot juice (to bury in the nose) Spray or drops "Aqua-Maris", "Salin"
Hot infusion of plantain, wild strawberry leaves and St. John's wort: 2 tbsp. spoons of any herb pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink half a glass 2-3 times a day Washing the nasal passages with:
  • Dolphin device,
  • chamomile decoction,
  • decoction of sage,
  • solution "Malavit",
  • saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt + 1 glass of water)
Attach a heated bag of salt or sand or a boiled egg or potato to the nose, drip 3-5 drops of menthol oil into each nostril, breathing in and out. (Cannot be used for sinusitis!)

Homeopathic spray "Euphorbium composites"

As prescribed by the doctor: Tablets "Sinupret", spray "Bioparox"

Sore throat, cough Hot milk with still mineral water 1:1, hot milk + a piece of butter Gargling:
  • furacillin (1 tab. + 1 glass of water), or miramistin,
  • chamomile decoction,
  • decoction of sage,
  • tincture of eucalyptus,
  • Malavit solution,
  • saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt + 1 glass of water).
Steam inhalation with:
chamomile decoction,
decoction of sage,
decoction of black currant leaves,
rosehip broth,
tincture of eucalyptus,
mineral water.
Sprays and syrups "Gexoral", "Doctor Mom", "Stopangin" (not shown in the 1st trimester)
Hold in your mouth a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil or a piece of aloe leaf cut across Pastilles and lozenges - Faringosept, Strepsils, Neo-angin, Angi-sept (as prescribed by a doctor)

on the forum ("related" topic)

apparently so, for the general development Equal
What does this have to do with pregnant women?

SARS treatment

SARS is an acute infection of the respiratory tract with any of the specially trained viruses.
These include: adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus.

The hit list of drugs - here are the drugs related to the pharmacological group "fuflomycins".

The list was formed on the basis of the lack of convincing data on the effectiveness of drugs for the stated indications, as required by evidence-based medicine, as well as the absence of authoritative sources and recommendations.

For influenza, there are only two drugs: Tamiflu and Relenza. The flu is diagnosed by a doctor. Rimantadine has already been recognized as a "dummy".

Official reference:

...Immediately withdraw from the list of medicines, according to which medicines are provided in the DLO program, outdated drugs with unproven efficacy - cerebrolysin, trimetazidine, chondroitin sulfate, vinpocetine, piracetam, phenotropil, arbidol, rimantadine, validol, inosine, valocordin, etc...

Resolution of the meeting of the Presidium of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2007

BE HEALTHY!!! When I was pregnant, I came to see a therapist, and at that moment the flu just started to go. The doctor prescribed Derinat for me, naturally, pregnant women need to take care of themselves. She prescribed Derinat for prophylaxis, so that she definitely would not get sick, because she constantly went to the clinic, and there everyone sneezed right and left, it is not harmful to pregnant women, and by the way, it is prescribed to children from birth. I used Derinat, and he helped me. The virus has bypassed me! But of course, before use, you should consult with your doctor, and be sure to use a mask in the clinic and in crowded places!
Tamiflu is one of two anti-flu drugs that have been proven effective. Googled, I don’t remember such passions. There was no discomfort after taking it, it was worse from the pace)))

I agree with you, same problem. If to moisturize the mucosa, then any saline solution (aquamaris, aqualor, otrivin) or even saline will cope with this. If from the point of view of the antiviral effect, then it is better not to take interferon preparations in drops: in order for interferon to work, it needs to be on the mucous membranes for a while, and the drops quickly roll into the oropharynx and do not have time to have a similar effect. wow! Have you been prescribed Tamiflu? Wow! And how did you feel after it? I read so many bad things about him, he is dangerous, causes hallucinations, and so that he would be given to a pregnant woman, and even doctors! not expected! Hello pregnant women!
I'll tell you my experience. The son from the kindergarten brought the flu before NY 2016, my third trimester began. The symptoms were as follows: the temperature was not high 37.6, but ... the state seemed to be all 45 degrees! Vomiting every hour or two. And so for a day ... I sinned with rotavirus, called a doctor, but I realized that it was time to go to the ambulance, the temperature was 38, EVERYTHING hurts and you should not be afraid of the infectious diseases hospital (some stereotype that THERE is horror-horror). Common sense prevailed, frightened for the baby, she was waiting for an ambulance. They brought me to the Shamshins, took tests. On the next day, influenza A was confirmed, and he was transferred to a block for patients with the virus. Double room with own shower and toilet, refrigerator. Purity! The most wonderful staff! Droppers, injections, pills are all brought into the ward. Food...not sanatorium, but quite tolerable! Very tasty rosehip broth! The attending physician is competent, reasonable, attentive, Tatyana Gennadievna. Treatment: Tamiflu, antibiotic injections, mukaltin. A day later I started to have a very strong cough with green sputum, they were afraid that pneumonia would begin, so an antibiotic. There were no pains in the stomach, no thrush after treatment. Stopped taking probiotics after treatment. I took time off a day earlier, went to a meeting and was released, I finished the course of antibiotics. At home, my son and parents were sick, a Christmas tree was on my nose, ng, there was a lot of work, there was no time to relax))) I spent 7 days in the hospital. There were only positive impressions about the 2nd building. Lost 4 kg, allergic dermatitis disappeared from the skin of the face, and then at home olives with chocolate, tangerines kilograms ..
I fell ill with SARS two days before the delay, the temperature was under 39, a terrible condition. Since she hoped that she was still pregnant, she did not take any drugs, and she did the right thing. I took a test two days later and the pregnancy was confirmed. I was terribly worried, because I had heard about pregnancy failures due to colds. But thank God everything worked out! No consequences other than a slight calcification of the placenta.
Treated with chamomile. I rinsed with furatsilin and sea salt alternately, in the nose with gripferon and washing with dolphin. She drank hot mineral water for coughing. All means without fanaticism, this is important!!!

Pregnancy is a natural process, conceived by nature itself. This is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every woman. Like any other process in the body, pregnancy makes itself felt in various ways. How to determine which symptoms to pay special attention to? What hurts during pregnancy?

Stomach ache

To begin with, let's look at different types of pain in the area where it is most disturbing - in the abdomen, because any pain in the abdomen instinctively makes you worry about the unborn child. The main thing to remember is that it is better to once again disturb the observing doctor than to delay getting medical help, because in most cases a woman is not able to determine the causes of pain on her own.

Let's make a reservation right away that pain during pregnancy is a completely natural manifestation, so it is important to listen to your body and not panic in advance. Fortunately, not all pain in the abdomen carries a risk for pregnancy. Often, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, the stomach can hurt due to malnutrition. Thus, if you normalize the diet, then pain in the stomach and intestines can be avoided.


One of the most common problems for expectant mothers is constipation. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, digested food moves through the intestines much more slowly than normal, in addition, the growing fetus will also put pressure on the intestines. To avoid constipation, pregnant women are advised to eat vegetables, dried fruits and bran, and also try to drink more water. We add that motor activity and small physical activity normalize digestion.

Ligament pain

Another common cause of pain during pregnancy in the abdomen is the tension and sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus in the correct position. As the fetus develops, the ligaments will stretch more and more. Most often, such pain can accompany a change in body position or when sneezing and coughing. Pain in the ligaments can be sharp, but short-lived. Therefore, if a woman feels such severe pain during pregnancy, you should first sit down and rest for a few minutes. Similar pains can occur during physical exertion on the abdominal muscles. In this case, you also need to relax.

Acute diseases

Quite rarely, but there are acute diseases of the abdominal organs. For example, it could be appendicitis or pancreatitis. The general condition worsens with nausea, diarrhea, fever and general weakness of the body. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.


It is time to consider situations where pain during pregnancy in the abdomen refers to gynecological problems. First of all, it is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the pains are constant pulling or cramping in the lower abdomen or lower back, and also do not subside without taking medication. Such pain may be accompanied by bleeding of varying intensity, as during menstruation. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help. With the help of special equipment and various tests in a hospital, the causes that led to the violation of the course of pregnancy should be identified.

Another very common cause of pain in early pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. It can occur when a fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterus. Such a pregnancy is diagnosed with positive pregnancy tests, but with a negative ultrasound result. In such cases, pregnancy does not last long (about 6 weeks), and then is interrupted, accompanied by profuse intra-abdominal bleeding and sharp pains in the abdomen. Nausea, dizziness and fainting are also possible. This situation is very serious and can be dangerous to the health and life of a woman, and therefore requires immediate medical attention.

Lower back pain

In addition to the abdominal area, a woman can feel pain in other parts of the body. Often abdominal pain is accompanied by lower back pain. This may be due to the proximity of the nerve endings. More than half of women experience lower back pain after 5 months of pregnancy. The reason is quite clear: the baby grows and gains weight, which increases the load on the spine. Also, during pregnancy, chronic diseases of the spine can worsen. To reduce lower back pain, it is recommended to wear a support belt, as well as to take the most comfortable sitting or lying position.

If low back pain is accompanied by fever or blood pressure, painful or frequent urination, or a change in the color of urine, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, as such symptoms may indicate kidney disease. Also, problems with urination can be caused not only by fetal pressure on the bladder (which is normal), but can also indicate inflammation of the urinary tract (for example, cystitis). In such cases, medical advice is also important.

Chest pain

In preparation for the birth of a child, the entire body is rebuilt, this also applies to the breast, which will feed the unborn baby. Therefore, it is the female breast that can become another sore spot during pregnancy. This may be due to increased levels of hormones that lead to breast enlargement. You can reduce pain, for example, by choosing the right bra, as well as doing light massage movements and physical exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles.

It should be noted again that pregnancy is a huge stress for the whole body, so problems with the functioning of many organs may inevitably appear. Headaches or toothaches, pain and swelling in the legs, sore throat and other ailments are quite likely. In the event of such pain, you should never forget that not only the health of a woman, but also her unborn baby, may be at risk. Therefore, to find out what hurts during pregnancy, you need to see a doctor. It is worth remembering the ancient principle "Forewarned is forearmed", that is, even if the suspicions of any symptom are not confirmed, then in any case, it is better than letting it pass by. It is important to understand that you should not take any medications without a doctor's prescription, as many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy and can lead to fetal mutation or loss.

Pain during pregnancy is always a serious "bell" for the expectant mother, that there is a problem in the body, the organs work with tension and give signals of trouble. A woman needs to be very attentive to such pains, although not all of them indicate serious illnesses, many are associated with physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. Although not all pain during pregnancy is dangerous, but unpleasant and painful sensations are experiences, stress and discomfort for the expectant mother, which may not have a very good effect on the tone of the uterus and the condition of the fetus. Therefore, if your tooth, back or stomach hurts, go to the doctor immediately!

Pregnancy problems: abdominal pain

During pregnancy, abdominal pain should alert a woman. They can have different localization and various causes, but the most serious will be those associated with the threat of miscarriage, complications of pregnancy and acute surgical pathology of the abdominal organs. Naturally, the cause of any abdominal pain that is detected during gestation should be determined by the doctor. But the woman herself must distinguish certain pain sensations according to certain characteristics in order to know what is needed - to go to the doctor or immediately call an ambulance.

The nature of abdominal pain during pregnancy complications is usually cramping. At the same time, the sensations are localized in the lower abdomen, in the groin, perineum, can be given to the sacrum, coccyx, spread throughout the lower back. They resemble painful menstruation, with them spasmolytics and painkillers are of little help. It is especially dangerous if, against the background of pain in the abdomen, spotting appears - in the early stages these may be signs of the onset of a miscarriage, in the later stages - placental abruption or premature birth.

Another kind of pain in the abdomen occurs with pathologies of digestion or acute surgical pathology. Pregnancy is a kind of stress for the body, an increased load on all systems. Therefore, many of the chronic pathologies, including those from digestion, can become aggravated. If a woman before pregnancy had problems with the intestines, suffered from a violation of the microbial flora, problems with the stool - latent (hidden) or sluggish pathologies tend to become more active. This gives pain in the abdomen, constipation, discomfort, bloating.

Against the background of early toxicosis, if there is vomiting, it can worsen. Then there is pain associated with eating or fasting, belching, sour taste in the mouth. To cope with such problems, a doctor will help, who will prescribe a special diet and safe means to reduce the production or binding of excess stomach acid.

Pain on the sides of the abdomen or below, looking like spasms, pulling or pressing, speak of problems with the large intestine. Often they occur against the background of constipation. To reduce their manifestations or completely get rid of them will help good nutrition, rich in fiber and fresh foods, sufficient fluid intake. The intestines often suffer due to the growth of the uterus and its compression. To help in facilitating the work of the intestines, gymnastics will help, unloading the abdominal cavity by taking the knee-elbow position several times a day.

If there are sharp sharp pains in the abdomen, they are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, vomiting, the general condition is sharply disturbed, you should immediately call an ambulance. Similar pains are typical for intestinal infections or acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity. Only a doctor in a hospital will be able to identify their true causes and prescribe adequate treatment. It is strictly forbidden to take drugs at home and ignore, endure pain!

If a woman was calcium deficient before pregnancy, pregnancy can bring her to the dentist's chair with a toothache. During pregnancy, due to the active growth of the fetus and the consumption of large amounts of this mineral, the mother actively gives calcium from her own teeth and bones to the fetus, since the calcium reserves are used up. This can lead to the development of caries, increased enamel sensitivity and tooth decay. Due to this, toothache is provoked.

Enamel during pregnancy becomes thin and reacts with pain to temperature, sour, sweet foods, and even wind. Often found and carious cavities, lesions of the gums. Besides the fact that it gives pain, foci of infection in the mouth can threaten the transfer of germs to the internal organs, leading to serious illness. With acute toothache, you should not self-medicate, take painkillers - all this can harm the fetus. Go to the dentist immediately, today for pregnant women, dental treatment is carried out with special anesthesia. It does not harm the baby and gives mom the opportunity to heal all bad teeth without stress.

What to do with a sore throat

Pregnancy colds often lead to sore throat, fever, runny nose, and general malaise. So that a cold does not harm the fetus, a sore throat must be properly treated. First of all, you need to see a doctor - a sore throat can also give a sore throat, and it is doubly dangerous when carrying a baby. The doctor, having established the exact causes of the pathology, will prescribe a treatment that is acceptable for your gestational age. If it is a sore throat with purulent raids, antibiotics will be needed in a short course, while the safest for the fetus are selected.

In milder cases, you can get by with decoctions of herbs for gargling and ingesting them orally to maintain strength and strengthen immunity, abundant fluid intake, bed rest and vitamins. For severe discomfort, a doctor may prescribe safe lozenges, sprays, and topical tablets. They will quickly eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.

This problem usually occurs with the growth of the abdomen and a change in the center of gravity of the body. The load on the spine increases, which can lead to back pain. During pregnancy, in addition to this, a woman puts on weight, which adds stress to the back, especially in the lumbar region. Do not forget that calcium is actively washed out of the bones for the needs of the fetus, which can lead to an exacerbation of back problems that occurred before pregnancy. Can make itself felt osteochondrosis, sciatica. With these problems, you need to contact a neurologist. To prevent back pain due to the growth of the abdomen, wearing a bandage and taking calcium-containing foods is useful.

But back pain, in which the temperature rises, nausea, malaise and urination disorders occur - this is a reason for immediate hospitalization. This is how acute pyelonephritis, a serious pathology of the kidneys, can manifest itself. It can only be treated in a hospital, under the strict supervision of a doctor.