Lykov left no chance for his fans. Matvey Lykov - model and actor who starred in the film "He is a Dragon" Matvey Lykov with his wife

He made a modeling career and is already acting in films
Matvey grew up in an acting family, but had no intention of following in his parents’ footsteps. However, everything turned out differently.

Happy ticket
Lykov was born on April 8, 1987 in St. Petersburg. His father Alexander Lykov is a famous theater and film actor, famous for his role as Casanova in the television series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” Mother Alla Gospodenko had a theater education, but was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. Matvey has an older sister, Ekaterina.
“I didn’t raise my children, I didn’t instill the right habits,” says Alexander Lykov. “They somehow grew and grew on their own.” Well, from time to time I took the dirt out of their mouths and washed their faces so that they didn’t look so crazy. I am a gypsy grandfather, and all gypsy children are taught is how to earn a living. But since I have little gypsy language left, I didn’t even teach them that. I think it may be right that I did not insist on anything, but they decide everything for themselves. I always told my wife: children are born to bring joy to their parents. Let them bring this joy.”
As a preschooler, Matvey first appeared in front of a movie camera lens. At the age of 5, he and his father starred in the television play “Thomas Becket,” in which he played the young son of King Henry II. A year later, the boy once again took part in a cameo role in the film “Journey to Happy Arabia.” “My father taught me a lot - for example, that you need to work hard and always be responsible for what you do. And it doesn’t matter what you’re doing - playing on stage or mowing the grass,” says Matvey.
He studied at a specialized St. Petersburg school with in-depth study of foreign languages. By the end of the last grade, the young man was almost fluent in English and Spanish. To continue studying languages, Lykov entered the Herzen State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. In parallel with his education, he worked as a tutor for children, and also taught a business English course for adult students.
After his 4th year at university, Matvey went to the USA under the Work and Travel student program. This program meant that the visa holder had the right to official part-time employment. But there was a typo in the young man’s documents, and the American social service refused to provide the guy with qualified work. Left without funds, Lykov worked part-time as a courier for several weeks, and then went to one of the New York modeling agencies, Fusion Model Management, in search of work: “There was work. But my real modeling career began later for me - after an exclusive contract for the Jil Sander show, to which Raf Simons himself took me after 12 hours of casting. This was my lucky ticket."

“Jessica and I speak different languages.”
At that moment, the agencies were just looking for tall guys with a thin build, and Matvey fit the required type perfectly. Over time, to continue his career, he had to go to the gym and build muscle mass. At first, Lykov worked only at New York fashion shows, but later began to appear on the catwalks of Milan, London, Paris and Tokyo.
In addition, in 2013, Matvey accepted the invitation of musician and director Yoann Lemoine, better known under the pseudonym Woodkid, and starred in the video clip for his song I Love You. The collaboration turned out to be interesting and fruitful, so Lykov and Woodkid worked together again a year later in the video for the musician’s new song The Golden Age.
The acting performance of the then little-known young man impressed film director Timur Bekmambetov, who eventually invited Matvey Lykov to try himself as a professional film actor. In December 2015, the fantasy film “He is a Dragon” based on the novel “Ritual” by science fiction writers Sergei and Marina Dyachenko was released on big screens. Lykov got the image of an unusual werewolf - a dragon man named Arman. The initially negative character, as the film progresses, opens up more and more from the romantic side: “There is a mystery in him. You rarely see a hero on screen who can so naturally combine cruelty and kindness, maximalism and respect for other people, intelligence and extreme naivety. He tries to reconcile the human and the werewolf within himself - and love comes to his aid.”
The work schedule was very harsh: shifts lasted more than 12 hours, one day flowed into the next. “But I performed all the stunts myself: I ran, jumped, flew on special suspensions,” says Lykov. “It was physically difficult, but the habit of leading an active lifestyle, which I left over from amateur triathlons in childhood, helped me a lot.” In parallel with filming the film, Matvey completed a directing course at the Paris International School of Film and Television.
When Lykov lived in New York, he had many fans and a lot of fleeting romances. But after 3 years of living in America, he moved to the French capital and has lived there permanently ever since. It was in Paris that he met model and fashion designer Jessica Sterenos. The girl has Peruvian roots, but grew up in Spain. In 2013, Matvey and Jessica got engaged and soon got married.
“Our wedding with Jessica is not a simple legalization of a relationship. We had a dream - to arrange a big and beautiful holiday for ourselves. And we fulfilled this dream. In fact, she and I are very similar: her dad is Swedish, from the north, her mother is Peruvian, from the south; everything is like in my family, but not in Russia. We speak different languages ​​to each other, we both lived in different countries, so we don’t feel any cultural differences.”

Prepared by Lina Lisitsyna,
based on materials from, “Nevskoye Vremya” (

Matvey Lykov was born in St. Petersburg. And we fulfilled this dream. We had a dream - to arrange a big and beautiful holiday for ourselves. When Matvey Lykov lived in New York, he had many fans and a lot of fleeting romances. Matvey, you are still known in Russia either as a popular fashion model or as the son of actor Alexander Lykov.

At his age, Matvey managed to conquer the world's best podiums - from New York to London and Tokyo. Photos of the charming model can be seen in advertising campaigns for such fashion houses as Gucci and Cerruti. In addition, the man is fluent in four languages. After such a stunning success, even skeptics began to predict a brilliant acting career for Lykov Jr. not only in Russia, but also in the West. In Lykov’s microblog, photographs with his wife probably prevail over photographs taken on work trips and on film sets.

The actor, unlike many of his colleagues, can talk endlessly about his beloved wife and with special undisguised trepidation. In fact, she and I are very similar: her dad is Swedish, from the north, her mother is Peruvian, from the south; everything is like in my family, but not in Russia. We speak different languages ​​to each other, we both lived in different countries, so we don’t feel any cultural differences,” Lykov said in an interview with Hello! magazine.

Photos, interviews, ratings, polls, all the most relevant and interesting things about celebrities - 24/7 on the pages of The plot centers on the story of the relationship between Princess Miroslava and Arman, a dragon man who kidnaps her and takes her to his castle on a distant island. My agent called me and said that Timur Bekmambetov was looking for me, he wanted me to come to audition for the film “He’s a Dragon,” recalls Matvey in a conversation with HELLO!.

He speaks four languages, is the face of the Gucci brand, has collaborated with James Franco and the French musician Woodkid... This list can be continued endlessly, but not only Matvey’s professional achievements are interesting, but also his personal qualities. When you were a child, looking at your father, didn’t you want to become an actor? As a child, not only did I not dream about it, but acting was the only profession that I definitely did not want to do.

I graduated from school at 16 and didn’t know then what I wanted to do in life. I was good at languages, I knew English. I decided: why not master another popular language - and I went to learn Spanish, which was very useful to me: my wife Jessica is Spanish. How did you end up in New York? Under the regular student Work and Travel program, after which I decided to stay in the States. They say that in the US you first washed toilet floors.

How did you start your career in the modeling business? Many models say that they were “ugly ducklings” as children, but turned into “swans” on the catwalk. In addition, I grew up in St. Petersburg, and my skin color was that transparent green, as is usual in our northwest. I always looked 3-5 years younger than my age and thought it was a curse, but now it turned out to be an advantage: I can play the roles of young men in films. It was physically difficult, but the habit of leading an active lifestyle, which I left over from amateur triathlons in childhood, helped me a lot.

I generally like movies. After all, I managed to work in cinema not only as an actor, but also as a cameraman in Christina Voros’ film The Director, was the hero of music videos for the musician Woodkid... What is it worth what they had to go through in the 90s - with two children (Matvey has an older sister Ekaterina His father Alexander Lykov is a famous Russian theater and film actor, famous for his role as Casanova in the television series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.”

As a preschooler, Matvey first appeared in front of a movie camera lens. Matvey studied at a specialized St. Petersburg school with in-depth study of foreign languages. After his 4th year at university, Matvey goes to the USA under the Work & Travel student program.

But there was a typo in the young man’s documents, and the American social service refused to provide the guy with qualified work. Left without funds, Lykov worked as a courier for several weeks, and then went to one of the New York modeling agencies, FusionModel Management, in search of work. His track record includes several hundred fashion shows in which he demonstrated clothes and accessories from such brands as Jil Sander, Gucci, H&M, Kenzo, Rag&Bone.

Now Matvey Lykov is considered one of the few male supermodels of Russian origin, and is also among the Top 10 world fashion models. In parallel with filming the film, Matvey completed a directing course at the Paris International School of Film and Television. But after 3 years of living in America, the model moved to the French capital and has lived there permanently since then. It was in Paris that he met model and fashion designer Jessica Sterenos.

To continue studying languages, Lykov entered the Herzen State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Matvey LykovMatvey Lykov and Maria Poezzhaeva A fantasy film usually has a lot of action scenes.

Matvey Lykov
Matvey Lykov
Birth name:

Matvey Aleksandrovich Lykov

Date of Birth:

Russia, Russia


Matvey Aleksandrovich Lykov(English) Matvey Lykov; genus. April 8, Leningrad, RSFSR) - Russian actor, top model.


Born on April 8, 1987 in Leningrad, in the family of actor Alexander Lykov.

Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

In 2007, he made his debut as a model on the catwalk at New York Fashion Week, at the end of 2008 he entered the top 50 most popular male models in the world, and in 2009 - into the list of the 10 most popular catwalk models. In the same year, he signed an exclusive contract with the Gucci fashion house with which he continues to collaborate currently.

Graduated from the International School of Film and Television in Paris.

In 2015 he starred in the leading role ( Arman) in the film "He is a Dragon".

Married to fashion designer Jessica. Lives in Paris.

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  • (English)

Excerpt characterizing Lykov, Matvey Alexandrovich

– What will happen in five years if it goes like this? Voila l"avantage d"etre pere. [This is the benefit of being a father.] Is she rich, your princess?
- My father is very rich and stingy. He lives in the village. You know, this famous Prince Bolkonsky, who was dismissed under the late emperor and nicknamed the Prussian king. He is a very smart person, but strange and difficult. La pauvre petite est malheureuse, comme les pierres. [The poor thing is as unhappy as stones.] She has a brother who recently married Lise Meinen, Kutuzov’s adjutant. He will be with me today.
“Ecoutez, chere Annette, [Listen, dear Annette,” said the prince, suddenly taking his interlocutor by the hand and bending it down for some reason. – Arrangez moi cette affaire et je suis votre [Arrange this matter for me, and I will be yours forever] most faithful slave a tout jamais pan, comme mon headman m"ecrit des [as my headman writes to me] reports: rest ep!. She is good family name and rich... Everything I need.
And he, with those free and familiar, graceful movements that distinguished him, took the maid of honor by the hand, kissed her and, having kissed her, waved the maid of honor's hand, lounging on the chair and looking to the side.
“Attendez [Wait],” said Anna Pavlovna, thinking. – I’ll talk to Lise today (la femme du jeune Bolkonsky). [with Liza (the wife of young Bolkonsky).] And maybe this will work out. Ce sera dans votre famille, que je ferai mon apprentissage de vieille fille. [I will begin to learn the craft of a spinster in your family.]

Anna Pavlovna's living room began to gradually fill up. The highest nobility of St. Petersburg arrived, people of the most diverse ages and characters, but identical in the society in which they all lived; Prince Vasily's daughter, the beautiful Helen, arrived, picking up her father to go with him to the envoy's holiday. She was wearing a cipher and a ball gown. Also known as la femme la plus seduisante de Petersbourg [the most charming woman in St. Petersburg], the young, little princess Bolkonskaya, who got married last winter and now did not go out into the big world because of her pregnancy, but still went to small evenings, also arrived. Prince Hippolyte, the son of Prince Vasily, arrived with Mortemar, whom he introduced; Abbot Moriot and many others also arrived.

At the beginning of 2000, my sister and I had the opportunity to meet actor Alexander Lykov and his family: his wife and son in one of the stores in St. Petersburg. The actor was very popular at that moment thanks to the television series “Streets of Broken Lights,” so we took a close look at this family from afar. We were happy for the boy: he didn’t have such a big nose as his dad!

I remembered this episode of my life after watching one of the films with the participation of actor A. Lykov and decided to find out who that boy became. Simple curiosity! Imagine my surprise when I found out that Matvey Lykov is an international class supermodel!

I’m sure I saw him in photos from men’s fashion shows, because he collaborates with the most famous fashion houses:, etc.

It is interesting that the young man did not plan to be a model: he was interested in studying foreign languages, so he entered the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute. A.I. Herzen. To get language practice, Matvey went to New York under the Work&Travel program for students, but he was not given a job due to an error by the US immigration service. The poor student had to earn extra money anywhere: as a courier, street cleaner, etc. The need that forced him to look for new jobs led him to a small modeling agency, where he found a place as a fashion model. This is how Matvey Lykov got into the modeling business, where he made an excellent career.

In the modeling business, thin, slender young men were initially required, and the 5th year student fit this type perfectly. When the ideals changed a little, the matured Matvey slightly pumped up his body muscles and again found himself in demand.

As a child, Matvey had the opportunity to act in films several times with his father, but he was not carried away by this process. However, in Paris he took part in the filming of several videos. The famous director Timur Bekmambetov drew attention to the spectacular young man from the video “I love you” directed by Yoann Lemoine (Woodkid) and offered to star in the leading role of the fantasy film “He is a Dragon”. The audience loved the film. It seems that this is not the last work in cinema for Matvey Lykov, because he graduated from the International School of Film and Television in Paris.

2014 was a significant year for Matvey - he married a girl from Spain, Jessica Sterenos. She is connected with the fashion world and works as a fashion designer.

The family lives in Paris. After three years of living in New York, Matvey moved to Paris, where he has been living for five years: it’s closer to Russia, and you can see your relatives more often!

Matvey Lykov was included in the top ten most handsome men in Russia according to the website, and in Europe he is considered the best among supermodels of Russian origin.

It's nice when our compatriots achieve success!

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